Brussels’ futures fiction for and by young Brusselèirs
22.09.24 · 18h
Language : EN
Duration: 1h30
Place: Riches-Claires
July 2040: a television show called “The Slessurb Show” manages to hack every device and spreads throughout the city. Slessurb – Brussels in reverse – is a city where nothing seems to work and technology invades every aspect of life. The show features a series of events and objects that move beyond the current societal dysfunctionalities and finds new ways to meet, socialise, and bond.
The past four years BrusselAVenir has been making music, a TV show, a zine, an audio story and several short films, all set in near futures. Futures literacy equips young people with the skills, mindset, and agency needed to navigate an uncertain and rapidly changing world, shape their own future, and contribute to positive change for themselves and society.
BrusselAVenir presents their work with young people and their publications, and discusses with the audience how to use futures fiction as a method, as a format and as a space for emancipation.