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Les arbres comme joyeux compagnons (The trees as joyful companions)



20.09.23 | 19h
Meeting point : Parking Drève du Comte/Graafdreef, Tram 8 (Coccinelles/Lieveheersbeestjes)
On donation

Duration: 2h

Place: Public space

An encounter with majestic trees in the Sonian Forest, a place where trees have been completely at home since the Ice Age.

Every minute, we breathe in and out several times. It is the most natural movement we make, so much so that we forget about it. We mostly forget that we can breathe thanks to the trees on this planet. Oxygen is the natural waste of trees, and our natural waste – carbon dioxide – feeds the trees. Trees are also the most natural solution to climate change. In short, we live in a relationship of continuous dependence with the trees. During this walk we will meet some of the trees of the Sonian Forest, not as providers of wood or oxygen, but as the wise living creatures and master teachers they are.

Anaïs Berck
Anaïs Berck is a pseudonym and stands for a collaboration between people, algorithms and trees. As a collective, they open a space in which human intelligence is explored in company of plant intelligence and artificial intelligence. For this walk Anaïs Berck is represented by An Mertens, media artist, writer, and nature guide.
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