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Co-naître, accoucher d’enfants et de récits (Acts of communal birth: children, knowledge, and stories)



23.09.23 | 14h

Duration: 2h30

Place: Riches-Claires

Stories of childbirth that don’t teach lessons but allow us to move away from idealisation.

A moment to “co-naître” (a play on words and hybrid of co- + connaître [to know] and naître [to be born]), or communally construct and understand the FAME festival. To start, a 1 hour 45-minute writing workshop based on the two concepts: “co” and “naître”, with a simple but unusual focus: Tell us about a birth*.

There are no writing pre-requisites.

The terms “co-“ and “naître” (to be born) will be shared before each person makes them their own and launches themselves into writing a story about birth, or more specifically, the joys and sorrows of birth, so that the political dimension of each experience can be understood and recognised.

*Birth in a broad sense.

The framework of the workshop is one of community and care around speaking and listening, and will be followed by a reading of extracts from the book Co-Naître, published academically in 2021 with texts from the workshop. This workshop is conceived as a space where words often unspoken can be heard or shared.

Workshop Programme:
1h45 writing workshop – indoors
45 minutes reading – outdoors


TW: Giving birth, obstetric violence, verbalising taboos.

Bintou Touré
Mother, activist, she is a spokesperson for the Committee for undocumented women.
Juliette Mogenet · Mother, author, and the producer of the podcast “Mémoires”.
Aliette Griz · Mother, author, poetry enthusiast, former blogger on the platform 20six, they wrote under the pseudonym griz.
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