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Let’s talk about sexual utopia

Writing workshop

Future bodies
©Charlotte Lippinois

22.09.24 · 10h00

language : FR

To anyone looking to reinvent themselves and break free from heteronormative practices

Duration: 6h

Place: Riches-Claires

An autofiction writing workshop about our sexual and erotic utopias.

Camille Husson leads the Let’s Talk About Sexual Utopia writing workshop which is related to her show. Participants are invited to discover auto-fictional writing, based on their sexual and/or erotic memories and experiences. Auto-fiction blurs the lines between what is real and what is imaginary, making it possible to go wherever you like and tell your story however you like. This workshop is designed to encourage us to take ownership of our sexuality, question our pornographic imaginations, flip what may be obvious on its head, and free our senses.
Camille Husson is the author of the show SEXPLAY Nos Panthères Nos Joyaux :

” There was a young girl who came to see the show SEXPLAY Nos Panthères Nos Joyaux at FAME and the next day, she brought all her friends along to the second performance and they talked about it all night, exchanging views on their sexual practices, their relationships with others, their own bodies, etc. She was happy to see how the world of sex and sexuality had been liberated within their group and she asked me this question:

– Is this show utopian? Because there are a lot of sexual relationships in life that are useless, unpleasant or unconsented, aren’t there?
Yes, I’ve concentrated on memories linked to pleasure. SEXPLAY, PLAY, and I’ve deliberately liberated this narrative of my disastrous or inconsequential experiences… All apart from one! …

– But this shouldn’t be utopian! She exclaimed. That’s what our sex lives should be about, pleasure!”

As I sincerely believe that imagination can open the door to new ways of living, I propose a day of sharing, connecting to our senses, and recording our experiences using words. By recalling our sensual experiences of childhood, adolescence and adulthood, we will rediscover a unique, intimate and political material for inventing new erotic and/or pornographic horizons. This workshop, in which we’ll write oral narratives while working on sensuality, is offered in a safe, respectful and supportive environment.

Camille Husson (she)
Camille wrote and directed MYZO ! Les Djinns cachées au fond des caves, a show recognised as being of public utility by the COCOF in 2016. The show deals with misogyny and highlights the place of women in history. SEXPLAY Nos Panthères Nos Joyaux is her second play for the Darouri Express collective. This one-off production was awarded the Label IMPACT prize of 2023. After graduating from E.S.A.C.T. in 2010, she directed and starred in GARUMA (Ad de Bond) with Line Guellati and Jean-Michel Van den Eeyden. From 2013 to 2019, she worked with Van den Eeyden, assisting them with the artistic direction of the Théâtre de L'Ancre and with several of their shows. She also creates professional shows with teenagers for the Theatre. For the Darouri Express collective, co-founded with Candice Guilini, Line Guellati, and Marion Lory, she has performed in “LES CONFÉRENCIERS", “LES DRAPS” by Amira-Géhanne Khalfallah and in ROBIN ET MARION by Etienne Lepage. Her first radio drama "LA FILLE À LA QUEUE DE CHEVAL" can be heard on RTBF’s Par Ouï-Dire. She currently stars in the shows "MANGES TES RONCES" and "SPONGIAK" and collaborates with "Votre Chazam on the show", "JESSICA LUMIÈRE EST FATIGUÉE" and the illustrator Paul Mattei on a show for young audiences.
As part of the Impact 2023 Label for the show SEXPLAY NOS PANTHÈRES NOS JOYAUX
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