Disabled Revolutionary Subjects

23.09.24 | 14h
Semi-mixity handi·e
Duration: 4h
Place: Bruegel
The aim of this workshop is to question the potential visions and models of accessibility and disability that could exist in the future. Over the course of this day of writing and research, we will explore Sci-Fi texts and those from Disability Studies and write collective narratives around these themes.
What could society look or feel like from the perspective of people with disabilities?
How could questions around autonomy and (in)dependence be addressed? How could we rework and rejig accessibility? What would be the features of a society that does not aim to correct bodies or eradicate disability? How would the roles of people without disabilities change?
Registration is required for this 10-seat mixed-gender workshop with five non-disabled and 5 disabled participants.
Led by Luz de Amor from the feminist Sci-Fi collective La Satellite, and Oblio Pic, a non-binary, disabled activist artist.
The content of the workshop can be adapted to each person’s cultural background and intellectual and cognitive abilities. Don’t hesitate to let us know your wishes and needs.
For those who cannot physically attend, it is possible to attend the workshop remotely (to take part in the activities, or just listen).
For further details (re: accessibility) or just to let us know about your requirements, please contact us at where@famefestival.be