Révolution des féminismes musulmans

20.09.23 | 18h
Duration: 2h
Place: Riches-Claires
This event is a presentation of diverse panoramic tools and works by Muslim feminist researchers.
Around the work of Plurivers’Elles members:
1 · Révolution des féminismes musulmans (Muslim feminist revolution), by Malika Hamidi, published by Editions Peter Lang
Malika Hamdi looks back at the transition from “Theoretical development to feminist action” by Muslim women involved in the silent revolution that began to emerge in the early 90s. At a time of growing interest in the politicisation of Muslim women’s bodies in the public sphere, both in the West and in the Muslim world, a new profile of women, both Muslim and feminist erupted. They challenge both an exacerbated Islamic discourse towards women, and the normativity of a dominant Western feminist thinking that infantilises them.
Much like the “Black Feminism” movement of the 1970s in the US, Muslim feminists are committing themselves to building a theoretical and practical “counter-discourse” that contributes to the revolution of Muslim feminisms whilst initiating a transition towards inclusive diversity.
2 · HERstory, by Maryam Kolly (book)
This book brings together the stories of minority feminists in early 21st century Europe. Through auto-ethnographies about sisterhood, the book is a response to a defined objective: to rewrite history from the perspective of the dominated. A term from the Anglo-Saxon social sciences, HERstory, encapsulates this process and is used in this context to say that all contributors to this project are the instigators who are written into a new iconic, intersectional and decolonial collective history.
3 – Re-Vizualize, by Imane Benchaou (platform)
“RE-VISUALIZE: gender and Islam in the Francophone visual world” focuses on a new subversive social and digital reality in which the protagonists are instagrammers, influencers and “hijabistas”. By paving the way for new styles of influence, inspiration, and leadership, on social networks, they help to combat the prevailing Islamophobia and give birth to a Muslim feminism 2.0.
Followed by a screening of the film Moudjahidate, by Alexandra Dols.