
20.09.23 | 20h30
Duration: 2h
Place: Riches-Claires
Through the stories of female Algerian former fighters against French colonialism. Released in 2007, this documentary, invites us to meet those called the Moudjahidate.
They were bomb layers, officers, nurses, soldiers in the Maquis, or active in solidarity as “wives of” political prisoners. Not to forget the village women who offered shelter and supplies for the fighters. Women’s involvement took many forms, as did their “social identities”, but how did they begin? What were their roles and strategies in combat? How do they look back over this period? And what do they have to pass on to us?
The testimonies of Fatma Chebbah Abdelli, Zohra Drif Bitat, Louisette Ighilariz, Baya Outata Kollé, Baya Laribi Toumia are interwoven with those of the historian and former fighter herself, Danièle Djamila Amrane Minne. They are also embroidered with extracts from Rabah Laradji’s short film “La Bombe” and Gilles Pontecorvo’s “La Bataille d’Alger”.
TW Scène d’humiliation par des soldats coloniaux
This will be shown in the presence of the director Alexandra Dols (to be confirmed), presented by Doctor of Political Sciences, Karima Ramdani.