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Hot Bodies_Choirs


2023-chorale-gaerald-01-CGærald Kurdian-R

18.09.23 | 18h

Duration: 30 minutes

Place: Riches-Claires

An Inclusive choir drawing their lyrics from the struggles of queer, feminist, and decolonial activism. Their works are written and composed by the participants themselves.

The HOT BODIES choirs are composed of a group of volunteers who practice writing and choral singing together. They exchange experiences, ideas, and practices with the aim of developing lyrics worthy of a revolution. Discussions within the circle are based on the collective viewing and reading of records of queer, feminist, pro-sex and decolonial activism (Donna- Haraway’s Cyborg Manifesto, Peaux Noires, Masques Blancs, Valérie Solonas’ Scum Manifesto, etc).

These uncompromising, unique, and polyphonic, documents constitute the base of a choral score. The ensemble is set to electronic music by Gærald Kurdian, and arranged and performed publicly by the participants.

Project portfolio



No reservation needed.

CONCEPT, ELECTRONIC COMPOSITION, VOCAL TECHNIQUE Gærald Kurdian PRODUCTION Fanny Virelizier ADMINISTRATION Axelle Faillères / Hot Bodies of the Future
Gærald Kurdian
Gærald Kurdian studied visual arts at ENSAPC before joining the Ex.e.r.ce 07 post-graduate programme under the direction of Mathilde Monnier and Xavier Le Roy. Since then, their oblique concerts have been regularly presented in the performing arts, visual arts, and independent music contexts. Since 2017, they developed HOT BODIES OF THE FUTURE!, a series of performative and musical research into queer micro-politics and alternative forms of sexuality. Winner of the Prix Paris Jeunes Talents 09 and recognised by Grand Zebrock and FAIR 2010, his debut album This is the hello monster! was selected as one of the best albums of the year by Quotidien Libération. In 2016, they released the album Icosaèdre in collaboration with the electronic musician Chapelier Fou. In 2020 under the name Tarek X, a club EP with the producer Apollo Noir, I – V and in 2022, a remix EP in collaboration with Cate Hortl, Calling Marian, Dat Politics, Panteros666 and Katu. They are currently one of the artist researchers at the Recherche de l’École Supérieure d’Arts de Clermont-Metropole Cooperative. Their latest creation “X ! (un opéra fantastique)” was presented at the festival d’Automne in Paris and at the Kaaitheatre in Brussels in Novembre 2022.
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