Chocolat Afro-Belge (Afro-Belgian Chocolate)

21 and 22.09.23 | 14h
Duration: 2h
Place: Public space
Decolonial and feminist walk (+ chocolate tasting) around Belgian chocolate and its link to the Western domination of Africa (Slavery, colonisation, and neo-colonialism).
has organised a feminist, decolonial tour which aims at offering a partial history of Belgian chocolate and a link between this and the colonisation/domination of Africa by the west (i.e. slavey, colonisation and neo-colonialism).
What is the real story of Belgian chocolate and how Belgian is it really?
How does the African continent contribute to Belgium’s influence and under what conditions?
The tour will take place in Grand Place and throughout Sainte-Catherine. These are two of the places where some say you can buy the best Belgian chocolate.
The tour will be guided by Mireille-Tsheusi Robert
Mireille-Tsheusi ROBERT
Mireille-Tsheusi Robert is the president of the Bamko association, a feminist and anti-racist committee. A trainer on colonial, racial, and feminist issues, she is the author and co-author of several books.
An anti-racist watchdog association which is active in politics and media advocacy. They train social workers, stimulate public debate, and defend the rights of victims of racism.
Bamko is a women’s and Afrodescendent committee that works on popular education in Brussels and Wallonia (training programmes, exhibitions, etc.). The organisation promotes interculturality, fights against racism including Afrism (anti-black racism) and helps women and young people with training, entrepreneurship, school mediation, socio-legal, and administrative assistance. Bamko also does advocacy work, helping to write articles and books, and organising informative meetings.