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Edition 2023

2nd edition
18 — 24.09.2023

FAME is a performing arts festival which highlights art produced by women and gender minorities.
A space designed in direct discourse with feminist, queer and decolonial struggles.
It is theater, circus, dance, concerts, conferences, discussions, workshops, video games, films.
All intending to multiply the ways we can meet.
These are creations born in Belgium or abroad, featuring cultures with a S.
There's a theme every year, and this year it's


What is transferred on by conscious or unconscious succession.


What is transmitted/chosen, the act of passing something on to someone and the result of that act.

FAME loves rhizomes and directions that aren't all straight, which is why we've deconstructed Legacy and Transmission into 4 tracks along which to trot:

1 · Tales of struggle

The place of women and minorities (gender, racial, socio-economic) in the history of struggle.

2 · Re/construct the myths

Non-western mythologies and super-hero·ines and their communities both visible and invisible.

3 · Dis/inherit systems of oppression

What can be kept from a misogynistic, patriarchal, colonial, ableist, sexist, racist, bourgeois past?

4 · Minorities’ memories

Tales and archives of cultures and movements organised by members of the queer, gay, lesbian, sex worker, punk, drag, etc, communities.


Mauvaises Herbes (Weeds)

Botanical themed walk exploring some of the wild plants of Brussels. The walk will focus on the many bizarre and delightful names of these plants.
Aldwin Raoul · Olivia Molnár

19.09.23 | 10h
Open to all
On donation

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Le cadeau, followed by The Colour of Pomegranates

Two film screenings: a documentary on the journey towards the practice of the Youyou, and the work of an 18th century Armenian poet.
Myriam Van Imschoot (Le Cadeau) · Sergei Paradjanov (The Colour of Pomegranates)

19.09.23 | 19h

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FAME Opening · Gourmet coffee

An hors-d’oeuvre.

18.09.23 | 14h

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FAME Closing · SLAM&BAM Open Stage

We come together at this moment to reflect upon the week’s festivities and events.

24.09.23 | 20h

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Cabaret King · Queer · Creature

This party will see us cutting the red tape and setting up shop at C12 for a drag show featuring 9 performers.
Drag: Blanket La Goulue · Dicklan · Dulce de MalaLeche · Femmeboyant · King Baxter · La Morrigasme · Paula Roïd · Rose Gigot · Terata Mamé (τερατά μαμέ) DJ: Paramida · Audrey Danza · Zouzibabe

22.09.23 | 21h

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Chocolat Afro-Belge (Afro-Belgian Chocolate)

Decolonial and feminist walk (+ chocolate tasting) around Belgian chocolate and its link to the Western domination of Africa (Slavery, colonisation, and neo-colonialism).

21 and 22.09.23 | 14h

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In partnership with CENTRALE, this exhibition, envisaged as a space of celebration and encounters, dig into a significant subject : the representation of violence and its consequences on current geopolitical issues.
Mehdi-Georges Lahlou · Candice Breitz

Up to 24.09.2023
10h30 > 18h

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Diane von Furstenberg · Woman Before Fashion

Woman Before Fashion is not a retrospective. It is a free approach to the Diane von Furstenberg’s work. The exhibition presents the creations of the famous Belgo-American fashion designer and the person behind them. Comprising a selection of over 50 models and a wide-ranging iconography, the experience begins with fashion and ends with the woman. Through an interplay of visions and a juxtaposition of creations, this ground-breaking exhibition provides the keys to understanding the incredible career of a female designer who understands women.
Diane von Furstenberg

Tue > Sun
10h > 17h

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Club P.E.P.S. · Oddity · Jinro

Is sex for you: a hobby? a never-ending quest? a dirty word? a hobby? a livelihood? a mirage? Or are you just not interested?
Club P.E.P.S. · Oddity · Jinro

23.09.23 | 21h30

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The ones that matter

FAME, is of course a performing arts festival, but above all, it is a dialogue and an adelphity* representing the bridge between a multitude of people and projects. These people work all year round, are not always accommodated or considered, often work for long hours, are poorly paid… however, their work often leads to the betterment of society and individual lives; those of women, queer people, POC, those with disabilities, those of people in precarious situations, those on the margins of society. We would like to extend our gratitude and thanks to these people for their work, for their daily contribution to society and for the trust that you have placed in FAME. Thank you.

*adelphity: the neutral synonym for sorority and fraternity.

To the collectives who work relentlessly every day.

À Travers les Arts | Agrupación Señor Serrano | Alexandra Dols | Aliette Griz | Amour & Sagesse | Anaïs Berck | Angela Washko | Anya Johanna DeNiro | Astrid Vandercamere | Aurélie Olivier | Bamko | Baraka Grafika | Barakaking | Bintou Touré | Blanket La Goulue | Bruxelles Nous Appartient BNA-BBOT | Bye Bye Binary | Cie Les Philosophes Barbares | Comité des Femmes Sans Papiers | Compagnie Les Tenaces | Collectif Mémoire Coloniale et Lutte Contre les Discriminations | Compagnie Espèces De… | Dicklan | Dulce de MalaLeche | Écarlate la Compagnie | Femmeboyant | Hot Bodies Of The Future | Jacinthe Mazzocchetti | Joëlle Sambi | Jordan Roger barré | Juliette Mogenet | King Baxter | La Morrigasme | La Salve | La Voix des Sans Papiers de Bruxelles | Le Monde de Jahi | Les Écoles Supérieures d’Arts Saint-Luc & ERG | Les Séniors du Manguier en Fleurs | Lisette Lombé | Lotte Dodion | Mai Hua | Maison Poème | Mariam Diallo | Médor | Mélina Ghorafi | Merhaba | Meriem Dziri | Milady Renoir | Miriam Youssef | Myriam Van Imschoot | Nevine Gerits | Olivia Molnár et Aldwin Raoul | Paula Roid | Pleurer Dans’ Douche | Plurivers’Elles | Poetik Bazaar | Raïssa Yowali | Réhab Mehal | Rose Gigot | Selim-a Attalah Chettaoui | Service Culture Cinématographique (SCC) asbl | Taylor McCue | Terata Mamé (τερατά μαμέ) | VSP Bruxelles | VSP Liège | Wetsi Art Gallery | Xéno- | Yasmine Wardi Akrimi | YouYou Group

To those who feed both your minds and your eyes.

Biblithèque des Riches-Claires | Bye Bye Binary | Candice Daoud | Cobéa | Drifosett | erg | ESA St Luc | Kidnap Your Designer | Kinkajou | Librairie Tulitu | Librairie Météores | Librairie Poëtini | Ludmila Kourline | Médor | MuntPunt | Niall Plumb | Samy Soussi | Super Fourchette

To those who have made FAME accessible and sustainable.

Access-I | Article 27 | Babel Subtitling | Bibliothèque des Riches-Claires | Esenca | Cyclo | Osmose

And to the spaces that have placed their trust in us.

Bellone | Beursschouwburg | CC Bruegel | Cinematek | C12 | Espace Magh | Maison du Roi - Brussels City Museum | Montagne Magique | Musée de la Mode et de la Dentelle| Riches-Claires | Tour à Plomb


Alessandro Carlucci

they, she

Relations & Encounters

Amina Zoukani


Administration & Finances

Camille Khoury


Artistic Direction

Effir Libilbéhéty


Press & Communication

Judith Condé


Communication Intern

Joëlle Reyns


Technical Coordination

Laëtitia Miranda-Neri


Production Direction

Lola Thiebaut


Production Intern

Mélina Ghorafi


Relations & Encounters

Nadia Zoukani


Administration & Finances

Technical team

Caroline De Decker
Grib Borremans
Leopold De Nève
Maroussia Buysse
Nathalie Deroy
Samuel Dronet
Sandrine Nicaise

As well as

Webdesign :
Cobéa Coop

Graphic design :
Kidnap Your Designer

Translation :
Ludmila Kourline et Niall Plumb

Subtitles :
Babel subtitling

Press :
Lena Celnik & Stéphanie Gillard

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