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Edition 2022

From the 19th to the 24th September 2022, FAME will host its very first event!

This occasion wouldn’t be complete without a theme. The first theme will be Ouverture(s) or Opening(s). In French, ouverture(s) also translates as openness. In the plural form, it references the opening of our programme in space and time, but also the notion of opening up the mind to the plurality of bodies, ages, subjectivities, narratives and imaginations.

The programme features both international and Belgian artists, French and Dutch-speaking companies, and consists in performances of emergent and established artists.

The concept of « openness » also represents the desire not to have distill the different perspectives on what is “real” to a single worldview, nor to limit others to one single subjectivity, or fixed and definitive identity. Opening is the multiplying of points of view, positions and opinions.

To open means not to force women and gender minorities to speak of their lives, experiences and identities, but to challenge oneself to understand the world through their eyes and their creations.

For this reason, FAME has created 5 different pathways along which one can meander and explore the festival. These pathways do not have boundaries, nor strict entry or exit points. They are flexible, interconnected and reflect the paths you can walk to arrive at the shows, workshops, conferences... These are:


1 | Arts and Female Heritage
2 | Arts and Bodies
3 | Arts and Systems of exploitation (Gender, society, colonialism)
4 | Arts and Non-human beings
5 | Arts and Queerness


In the spirit of the festival's ambition to bring the arts and feminism into dialogue, each of these tracks is inspired by questions that animate and agitate contemporary feminist currents: materialist, decolonial and queer feminisms, eco-feminism, pro-sex feminisms, transfeminism, and so on.


Photo d'une fleur qui brûle. L'affiche du festival FAME 2022.


For the festival’s opening, the FAME team invites you to the #where, the centre of the festival, which serves both as a convivial place and as a place for events (cartes blanches, talks, concerts).
FAME team | Sing Out Brussel

Monday 19 Sept | 5pm
Monday 19 Sept | 9:30pm

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Couverture du Manx Cat Project

Enhance Matrimony in theater

The Manx Cat Project is several shows, but not only.
Elsa Poisot | Miriam Youssef

Monday 19 Sept | 6pm | FR

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groupe de personne avec des masques et des banderoles devant un batiment

Necropolitics, damage and double standards : everyone involved

"Minorities" are suffering from their non-conformity to the "norm", each of them in a specific way.
Syndicat des Immenses

Monday 19 Sept | 7pm | FR

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Couverture du Manx Cat Project

The Manx Cat Project | Episodes 1·2·3

The Manx Cat Project is developed at Écarlate la Cie. This is the 5th act of the multi-faceted project “La Deuxième Scène”. It was conceived to create access to a repertoire that promotes the notion of Matrimoine (women’s heritage) and to fight against inequality in the field of performing arts.
Écarlate la Compagnie | Elsa Poisot | Sonia Boutitie

Monday 19 Sept | 7pm | FR
Saturday 24 Sept | 3pm | FR

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Couverture du Manx Cat Project

The Manx Cat Project | Episodes 4·5

The Manx Cat Project is developed at Écarlate la Cie. This is the 5th act of the multi-faceted project “La Deuxième Scène”. It was conceived to create access to a repertoire that promotes the notion of Matrimoine (women’s heritage) and to fight against inequality in the field of performing arts.
Écarlate la Compagnie | Elsa Poisot | Sonia Boutitie

Tuesday 20 Sept | 7pm | FR
Saturday 24 Sept | 6pm | FR

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Danseurses du spectacle Deep Time sur scène

Deep Time

To understand evolution and ourselves, we must think further our short lifetime. Deep Time explores the line between human, non-human; past and present, bats’ frequencies and marimba techno.
Virpi Pahkinen Dance Company

Monday 19 Sept | 8pm | No intermission
Tuesday 20 Sept | 8pm | No intermission

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carte avec illustration posées sur une table

Tarot reading

Atelier Coyote joins the Crabe Collective for a Souriau Tarot reading. This is a non-divinatory practice focusing on our human circumstance and what both enables and provokes them. This reunion allows for collective, card-guided reflection around questions related to work in collective or community contexts.
Atelier Coyote | Crabe Collective

Tuesday 20 Sept | 10am | FR

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Personne tenant un mégaphone

How should decolonial and feminist aesthetics in performing arts be conceived?

Race, both a fashion and a result of modern colonial domination, has infiltrated all fields of global capitalist power. This open discussion will explore how decolonial and feminist performances can be created and perpetuated.
Aminata Demba | Marine Bachelot Nguyen | Lîlâ Bisiaux | Modération Aru Lee

Tuesday 20 Sept | 3pm | ENG and FR

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Christine Aventin et Alice Rivières en train de danser

It’s raining cats and dogz

Alice has a neurodevelopmental illness and she doesn't know how to deal with it. She is pissed off because doctors planned that she will end up as a vegetable.
Alice Rivières (collectif DingDingDong) | Christine Aventin

Tuesday 20 Sept | 5pm | FR

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couverture du livre Surgeons et autres pousses de Maria Kakogianni

Maria Kakogianni on the release of her book: “Surgeons et autres pousses”

Maria Kakogianni on the release of her book: “Surgeons et autres pousses” published by Excès. This book was written and produced by several hands, including Marie Rouzin and Amalia Ramanankirahina. The book is a collection or rather a compendium of short texts and drawings of plants and the worlds that plants inhabit.
Mylène Lauzon | Emmanuelle Nizou | Équipe de La Bellone

Tuesday 20 Sept | 6:30pm | FR

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Donna Haraway entourant ses yeux de ses mains

Donna Haraway : Story telling for earthy survival

Donna Haraway, a distinguished philosopher, primatologist and feminist, shakes up the social sciences and contemporary philosophy and interconnects strongly theory and fiction.
Fabrizio Terranova

Tuesday 20 Sept | 7pm | ENG | Subtitles FR/NL

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Tête avec feuilles

DiscoBiotes, magical symbiotic

An urban walk with wild plants, bacteria and their humans.
Pascale Barret

Wednesday 21 Sept | 2pm | FR

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Une personne assise dans une serre

Walk-investigation in Brussels

Let's walk together in the city.
Barbara Métais-Chastanier

Wednesday 21 Sept | 2pm | FR

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portrait de Gilles Jacinto

Queer theories, art, politics : an obvious connection ?

Relying on theory-practice connection, bringing our bodies-thoughts-emotions, we will question the supposedly obvious link between queer, art and politics.
Gilles Jacinto

Wednesday 21 Sept | 3pm | FR

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Le comité des femmes sans papier devant une photo d'Angela Davis.

Undocumented Women Committee

The Committee try to find solutions to make the lives of undocumented women deprived easier, to be able to survive for ourselves and especially for our children and hoping for them a better future.
Le Comité des Femmes Sans Papiers | Sisterhood

Wednesday 21 Sept | 5pm | FR

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Spectacle Betty devenue Boop avec les marionnettes et les comédien-nes

Betty devenue Boop, ou les Anordinaires

Betty the dog has seen both homelessness and soft green grass. Her anthropo-decentred perspective allows her reflects on the significance of friendship, alterity, and resilience.
Interstices & La Bulle Bleue | Barbara Métais-Chastanier | Marie Lamachère

Wednesday 21 Sept | 6pm | FR
Thursday 22 Sept | 11am | FR
Thursday 22 Sept | 3pm | FR

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Deux jeunes dans le film Fish Tank

Fish Tank

At 15, Mia is an unruly teenager with one and only passion: hip-hop dance.
Andrea Arnold

Wednesday 21 Sept | 7pm | ENG

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Camille Husson de dos sur scène dans le spectacle Sexplay


This fictitious performance showcases, a young woman questions and exposes the sinuous paths of desire.
Darouri Express Collectif | Camille Husson

Wednesday 21 Sept | 7pm | FR
Thursday 22 Sept | 8:30pm | FR | Audiodescription FR

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Conference Transcripts

Four conferences took place in connection to the performing arts programme. These were held at La Bellone. You can find these transcripts below (in french):

Queer, art, politique : un lien évident ?
Gilles Jacinto

Comment penser des esthétiques décoloniales et féministes dans les arts de la scène ?
Aminata Demba · Marine Bachelot Nguyen · Lîlâ Bisiaux · Modération Aru Lee

Arts, écologie et féminisme
Barbara Métais-Chastanier · Le Crabe collectif


Photos credits : Samy Soussi · · @sam.photographe

FAME is not only a venue, but also a supporter of co-production.

The Manx Cat Project is a multi-faceted project that brought together 5 directors and 3 authors from Ecarlate la Cie in the 2022 edition of the festival. The question of gender inequality is nothing new. This is why the company shined a spotlight on 5 influential women who have been excluded from Belgian history.

With the help of archives, they produced a synthesis of a century of feminism in the form of 5 plays.

Milva was present at the project rehearsals to document it photographically. This documentation ended up in a 7-day exhibition during the festival.

More about the project: : Volets 123 · Volets 45


Photos credits : Milva Ghenda · Site web · @mimidynamite

The ones that matter

FAME, is of course a performing arts festival, but above all, it is a dialogue and an adelphity* representing the bridge between a multitude of people and projects. These people work all year round, are not always accommodated or considered, often work for long hours, are poorly paid… however, their work often leads to the betterment of society and individual lives; those of women, queer people, POC, those with disabilities, those of people in precarious situations, those on the margins of society.
We would like to extend our gratitude and thanks to these people for their work, for their daily contribution to society and for the trust that you have placed in FAME.

Thank you.

Adelphity*: The neutral synonym for sorority and fraternity.

To the collectives who work relentlessly every day.

AICT | Anotherlight asbl | Armée du salut | Article 27 | Comité des femmes sans papiers | Crabe Collective | Ding Ding Dong | Écarlate La Compagnie | L’Hospitalière | Osmose | Radio Panik | La Salve | Service Culture Cinématographique (SCC) asbl | Sisterhood | Syndicat des Immenses | Tulitu | Vulcana | QREw

To those who feed both your minds and your eyes.

Bij Ons | Cobéa | Kidnap Your Designer | Janine Brasserie · Boulangerie | Milva Ghenda | Murielle Lo | Niall Plumb | Nimuel Gamboa | Samy Soussi | Super Fourchette | Suzanne Clerdin

To those who have made FAME accessible and sustainable.

Babel subtitles | Bibliothèque des Riches-Claires | Cyclo | Groupe One | La Ligue des Familles | PAF

And to the spaces that have placed their trust in us.

Bellone | Bronks | Cinematek | C12 | KVS | Maison du Roi - Brussels City Museum | La Mercerie | Montagne Magique | Musée de la Mode et de la Dentelle | Riches-Claires | Tour à Plomb


Aliette Griz


Relations and encounters facilities

Anna Lits


Relations and encounters facilities

Camille Khoury


Artistic Direction

Dorothée Dassy


Financial and Administrative officer

Effir Libilbéhéty


Press & Communication

Joëlle Reyns


Technical Coordination

Laetitia Miranda-Neri


Production Director

Louise Calvo


Intern Production & Administration

Réianne Ismaili


Intern Press & Communication

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